Successfully fundraising for your mobile app requires some hard work and a deep understanding of the fundraising process. It is a fact that the investors won’t be sold on a good idea alone. They are investing just as much into your concept as they are in your ability to deliver it. And to add in, most investors decide in the first few minutes whether you seem like a winner or a loser, and once their opinion is set it’s hard to change.
The task is challenging but what are we here for? We are here to prepare a pitch deck for your app which they can’t look away from.
Starter branding is definitely better to have than no branding at all. This is why; Meraki is going to start with developing your brand first, which includes e.g. determining the name of your app, its logo and a domain. It is a savvy way to portray your idea as marketable.
If you want someone to invest in your app, you should have a fully-designed prototype to show how it looks and works. Meraki will get you a prototype of your app. We do this by choosing 1-3 main user stories (or the sequence of screens user will see before achieving their goal) and design them. In this way, many investors might be able to fully comprehend how the app will function.
Development Plan
Hoping that an investor likes your app and wants to go ahead, the next thing you would want will be a development plan.
Our highly-skilled developers lay out this plan for you. They tell you how much time your app is going to take to be developed, the technologies that will be used, etc. Our comprehensive development plan helps in telling your investor what it takes to execute the prototype he just saw.
App Marketing
The idea is loved, the development plan is locked, now what? Once you get that app made, how are you going to market it and attract users to it? You need a marketing plan to do that.
Marketing professionals at Meraki will design a competitive marketing plan for your app. This will help you tell your investors the estimated expenses and the number potential users before they ask.
Aspects covered